SCFB President Pete Schanz Receiving Award for Programming in Summit County!
The Summit County Farm Bureau’s work year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th. That means it is time for the Board of Trustees to develop a plan of work for the 2014 – 2015 year. However, before we can move forward, we need to look back at our projects and activities, evaluate them, and look for new opportunities to continue to serve our members.
Please join us as we look over some of the 2013 – 2014 highlights . . .
Sponsored Family and Community Events
- Many of our members enjoyed a Family Fun Night at a Rubber Ducks baseball game.
- SCFB sponsored the 6th annual Farmers’ Share Breakfast.
- SCFB held a Legislative Breakfast for members and public officials.
- SCFB held an open seat screening for local politicians.
- Several of our members enjoyed an overnight Bus Tour to the John Deere Museum and manufacturing facility.
- SCFB co-sponsored the annual Nationwide Agents Golf Outing.
- SCFB co-sponsored the annual Nationwide staff luncheon.
- SCFB participated in the Ohio Farm Bureau/Ohio State Fair watering can painting project.
- SCFB hosted the annual meeting on September 25th at Houston Hall in Norton.
Developed Educational Opportunities
- The American Farm Bureau games kiosk was enjoyed by visitors at the Norton Branch Library all winter and at the Akron Zoo all summer.
- SCFB financially supported the Ag Mobile’s visits to many county schools and camps.
- SCFB sponsored a number of educational seminars:
Maple Syrup
Rain Gardens
Hay; Quality Production and Management
CAUV Rates Increase
Recipes from the Garden
- SCFB awarded 5 “new” renewable/four year scholarships.
- SCFB sponsored our members attendance to the Ag in the Classroom Conference in Hershey PA.
- SCFB sponsored Summit’s Plow to Chow, where food “producers” and food “consumers” were connected to raise awareness of agriculture and the origins of their food.
- The videotaping project that captured “Reflections of a Farmer” from some of our most senior members was completed.
Initiated Internal Improvements
- The updated Business Member Directory was mailed out to all members and added to the website.
- Members received two paper newsletters, winter and summer, stuffed full of the organization’s activities/information.
- The website was updated to make it smart phone and tablet compatible.
- The Facebook page was updated, as well.
- SCFB ran a successful membership campaign; hosting a membership kickoff dinner, a number of membership check-ins, and a new member dinner.
- SCFB hosted an informational meeting to introduce the Young Ag Professional program.
- The board initiated the annual financial audit by an independent CPA for the SCFB, as well as the Ag Mobile.
Gave Back to Our Local Community
- Monetary donations were made to: Haven of Rest, Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank, the Ronald McDonald House of Akron, Salvation Army, the South Dakota Community Foundation and an Eagle Scout project for Let’s Grow Akron.
- SCFB sponsored an ad in the 4-H Equine Program.
- SCFB purchased three hogs and the Grand Champion goat from the 4-H Livestock Auction and donated the meat to the Haven of Rest, Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank, and the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
- Volunteers passed out free bottles of water to all visitors to the SCFB Antique Museum during the Summit County Fair.
- SCFB hosted a tour of the SCFB Antique Museum in August and another in September.
- Summit’s Plow to Chow was able to reach their goal, donating $5,000.00 to the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
Served as Advocates for Our Members
- SCFB held a policy and development meeting, attendees developed policies for review.
- SCFB President and Young Farmer went to Columbus for Ag Day at the Capital.
- SCFB President and delegates attended the Ohio Farm Bureau Annual Meeting.
- SCFB President went to Washington D.C. to meet with local representatives.
- SCFB President went to San Antonio TX for the American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting.
- SCFB board of trustees established a SCFB Scholarship Fund through the Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation, with an initial amount of $40,000.00.
Supported the Summit County Fair and the SCFB Antique Museum
- SCFB purchased the Summit County Fair program/map and assisted in the Ag-venture game during the fair.
- SCFB funded a professional cleaning of the museum and contents.
- Initiated contact and worked with the County Executive to correct the drainage problems at the fairgrounds and the repeated flooding of the museum.
- SCFB completed the videotaping project of the museum contents.
- SCFB supported the 4-H livestock program with the purchase of three hogs and the Grand Champion goat.
- A pancake breakfast was served to the 4-H participants and their families at the Summit County Fair.
- A large number of volunteers supervised the museum during the Summit County Fair and the two showings/tours.
Wow! What’s on the agenda for 2014 – 2015???