January signals the start of another year with renewed ideas, opportunities, and the eternal hope that the weather will provide the right balance of sun and rain to farm successfully. Suffice it to say, while it is only January, Summit County Farm … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2017
4-H! Did you know?
4-H is the largest youth development organization in America! 4-H is offered in partnership with the USDA, Ohio Legislature, Ohio State University and Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro and County Council. In Summit County we offer 4-H … [Read more...]
Food Labels, “Sell by”, “Best before”, “Use by” – Exactly, what does it mean?
A brand new year often brings with it the need to get organized which sparks a cleaning frenzy. That’s right, the holidays are over and it’s time to “clean out” that refrigerator. While you’re at it, what about tackling your food pantry or freezer … [Read more...]