We certainly have been on a wild ride this past year! Just like you, your Summit County Farm Bureau (SCFB) Board of Trustees have had to make many program adjustments; from “zoom” board meetings, canceling our annual Farmers Share Breakfast, modifying our annual meeting to making the difficult decision to keep our antique museum closed during the county fair.
Thankfully, with Agriculture being considered essential, many of us did not experience drastic day-to-day changes on our family farming operations or agribusinesses. But it has upended our personal lives by disrupting childcare, schooling, social gatherings, religious services, public meetings and more.
We would like you to know, that through all of this, your Summit County Farm Bureau and Ohio Farm Bureau Staff, Trustees and Board continue to diligently work on behalf of Summit County’s 600 faithful member families. We do this, while maintaining your Farm Bureau Membership Benefits, all the while working to expand and improve those benefits. Trust that: “We will be there when you can’t be.”
Our work on CAUV reform resulted in a 50-70% Reduction of soil values since 2016 saving landowners thousands of dollars each year.
Our work with the Summit County Council on the surface water management tax reform resulted in a savings of thousands of dollars per year for all Summit County Residents.
Your SCFB is aware of recent increased assessments on properties that are being sent out by the Summit County Fiscal Office (SCFO.) We are currently assessing the reasons for these significant increases and will continue to work with you, our Farm Bureau Resources and the SCFO to resolve your questions and concerns. More to come on this issue.
I want you all to know that you and your Summit County Board of Trustees make regular donations to our local charity agencies in need: Ronald McDonald House of Akron, Akron Canton Food Bank, Haven of Rest, and Salvation Army.
Remember some of the great benefits available to all SCFB members are:
1. Access to lawyers and policy advocates for information regarding any landowner issue.
2. Access to events like: Ag Safety Day (March 2021), Family Fun Day (May 2021), Annual Meeting (September 2021)
3. Access to a scholarship program.
4. Complimentary advertising benefits in our Business Member Directory & Buy Local/Farm Market Directory.
5. Member discounts from a variety of vendors.
Finally, at the recent Ohio Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, I submitted on behalf of all SCFB members that the American Farm Bureau change the official name of the “Farm Bill” (known officially as the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 – this act is renewed every 5 years) to the “American Food Security and Assistance Act.” The Ohio Farm Bureau recently accepted that this policy recommendation change be submitted to the American Farm Bureau for consideration. We feel this language more appropriately sends a better message for public consumption and understanding. Most people do not understand that 80% of funds associated with the “Farm Bill” funding go to support Food Stamps. See the chart below for more details on the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 “Farm Bill”.

Photo file for above chart: Farm Bill Spending
Please consider helping us expand our membership base here in Summit County. If you know someone who should, was or needs to be a part of our great group of SCFB members, please pass their information onto our SCFB office at 440-877-0706.
It’s my privilege to serve as your SCFB President, be safe, take care of yourself and continue to hold on as this wild ride continues!
Timothy E. Walsh