July brings the Summit County Fair and the time of the year to visit the Summit County Farm Bureau Antiques Museum, a 48’ X 80’ building that was completed in July 1991. The public response was overwhelmingly positive and the antique donations started to come in from the surrounding areas. As a result, the original building was expanded in 1994 to its present size of 68’ X 125’.
The museum is located at the south east area of the fairgrounds, just across from the poultry barn on the south and across from the Youth Park on the east.If you would like to volunteer to help supervise at the museum during the fair which is open 10:00 am to 10:00 pm each day, be sure to contact the office (440/877-0706) with your availability.
Did you know that “The Summit County Farm Bureau was organized in 1921 for the purpose of “representing, promoting and protecting the business needs of farmers and centralizing into a unit of strength the several county farm bureaus of the State of Ohio.” Be sure and check out the Ag Facts displayed on the portable bulletin board, in honor of our 100th birthday, we will have on display in our museum building at this year’s upcoming Summit County Fair. Life sure has changed over the past 100 years, you will be amazed.
You might have noticed that we are holding a Farm Dog Contest this year. Information can be found on our website (summitcountyfarmbureau.org), on our Facebook page and in our summer newsletter. The winner will be selected by popular vote and voting takes place at the antiques museum during the fair. Stop by and VOTE!
Finally, don’t forget to support the Summit County 4-H youth; tour their barns, decorations and displays, enjoy their projects, attend the livestock auction, ask questions and thank them for sharing their knowledge and their interests in agriculture. It’s American Agriculture that feeds the world.
See you at the fair!
Timothy E. Walsh, P.E.