Another program year is rapidly coming to an end for Summit County Farm Bureau. The SCFB’s work year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th. The end of our fiscal and program year means it’s time for the Board of Trustees to develop a plan of work for the 2021 – 2022 program year. However, before we can move forward, we need to look back at the past year and brainstorm ideas for us to continue to serve our members.
Although most of the country was “shutdown” for over a year, we continued to take care of business through ZOOM and email until things “opened up”. Please join us as we look over some of the 2020 – 2021 highlights . . .
Sponsored Family and Community Events
- SCFB members enjoyed a multi-county Family Fun Day at the Akron Zoo.
- SCFB encouraged members to participate in the annual BWC Safety Meeting via ZOOM.
- SCFB sponsored a membership appreciation event with a drive thru luncheon.
- SCFB sponsored a Farm Dog of the Year contest for members.
- SCFB will be hosting the annual meeting on September 23rd at The Winery at Wolf Creek in Norton, Ohio.
Developed Educational Opportunities
- The American Farm Bureau games kiosk has been enjoyed by visitors at the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
- SCFB partnered with Soil & Water to present a virtual seminar on Food Waste.
- SCFB awarded two “new” renewable/four year scholarships.
- SCFB awarded a one year memorial scholarship in memory of Gale Betterly.
- The museum videotaped vignettes were enjoyed by visitors to the SCFB Antique Museum during the Summit County Fair.
- SCFB purchased a rolling bulletin board for the museum and posted AG FACTS, in memory of Gale Betterly.
- SCFB supported an educational scavenger hunt within the SCFB Antique Museum during the Summit County Fair, 10 winners’ names were drawn and they each received a Could You Live Without Farmers? t-shirt.
- Organizational announcements and agricultural information were regularly posted on the SCFB website, SCFB Facebook page and through email blasts.
Initiated Internal Improvements
- The updated Business Member Directory was mailed out to all members and added to the SCFB website.
- The Buy Local/Farm Markets Directory was mailed out to all members and added to the SCFB website.
- Members received two paper newsletters, winter and summer, stuffed full of the organization’s activities and information.
- SCFB ran a membership campaign; hosting a ZOOM membership kickoff and a five county (Columbiana, Portage, Mahoning, Stark, Summit) membership recognition dinner.
- The board initiated the annual financial review audit by an independent CPA for the SCFB.
- SCFB completed the digitizing of 100 years of SCFB records.
Gave Back to Our Local Community
- Donations were made to: Haven of Rest, Salvation Army, Red Cross and the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
- SCFB sponsored an ad in the 4-H Equine (Saddle Horse) Program.
- SCFB purchased chicken and turkey from the 4-H Livestock Auction and donated the meat to the Haven of Rest and the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
- SCFB participated in a multi-county project to purchase and process a local hog and turkey for a Pelotonia fundraiser.
Served as Advocates for Our Members
- The SCFB President, Vice-President and Young Farmer attended a virtual meeting with multiple legislatures during Ag Week.
- The SCFB President and delegates attended the Ohio Farm Bureau Annual Meeting via ZOOM.
- The SCFB Public Policy committee collected and reviewed policy suggestions from the SCFB members
- The SCFB President and the Public Policy Action Team Leader will be going to Washington D.C. to meet with local representatives.
- SCFB members are working with agricultural stakeholders in Summit County to help draft comprehensive Agriculture Ordinances.
Supported the Summit County Fair and the SCFB Antique Museum
- SCFB contributed to the purchase of the Summit County Fair program/map and assisted in the Ag-Venture game during the fair.
- SCFB funded a professional cleaning of the museum and contents before the Summit County Fair.
- SCFB members volunteered to supervise the museum during the Summit County Fair.
- SCFB supported the 4-H livestock program with the purchase of chicken and turkey and donated the meat to the Haven of Rest and the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.