November has arrived and the last of the blooms have disappeared for the year … are you missing them yet? If you are, how about taking some time through the upcoming long winter nights to plan what you could add to your gardens to extend those blooms well into the fall. A few suggestions:
Chrysanthemum – The peak blooming period is from September through October. They need full sun and must be pinched two or three times before mid-July for bushy, compact growth. These are hardy perennials.
Clematis – The pale to medium blue flowers bloom in August and September. This is not a vine but an almost woody perennial with long lasting sweet scented flowers.
Coleus – The colorful variegated leaves, in many combinations, remain bright until frost.
Cornflower – This hardy perennial has purple-pink flowers with orange centers that bloom from July through September.
Dahlias – They come in many colors and flower shapes that appear on plants developed from tubers, seed or cuttings and bloom from June through October. The colors are especially beautiful in September when the weather cools down.
Dusty Miller – These fernlike silver-gray foliage like full to partial sun.
Impatiens – The many colors bloom continuously throughout the summer and fall and there is no better plant available for the semi-shaded garden that does not require fertilizer and will quickly tell you when it needs water.
Liatris – This tall perennial has purple or white flowers that bloom from the top down in July through September.
Lobella – The blue flower blooms from May until frost, although it will die out in hot weather so be sure to plant it in a cool northern exposure.
Periwinkle or Vinca – This plant can have pink, white or rose flowers with dark green foliage that bloom from June until frost AND they are extremely disease resistant.
Petunia – There are many types that bloom from May through October. Did you know that the plants can be rejuvenated by cutting them back in July or early August and feeding and watering them heavily?
Phlox – Can have pink, red, salmon or purple flowers with fine-textured green foliage that bloom from June through September.
Salvia – Blooms from June through October and comes in blues, whites, scarlet, salmon and purple.
Sedum – Autumn Joy is one of the best perennials available for its pink flowers or the seed heads that extend into the winter landscape.
Marigolds, Snapdragons, Verbena and Zinnias are all good annuals that extend into the fall. I am sure there are many more but this gives you a good start planning the variety of plants that can make your summer and fall garden bright and beautiful.