With our county code change at the recent Summit County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, our dues level will be increasing on December 1, 2022.
(New Annual Dues Rate will be $100; Young members age 18-24 $40).
However, we are offering you the opportunity to renew your membership by November 30* at the current rate of $88 per year. Young members age 18-24 renew at $25 per year.
To take advantage of this offer, please carefully review the
following payment options and deadlines!
- Renew online at ofbf.org preferred
a. Click “Login” and then enter your Member ID
b. You will be prompted to finish logging in with your email and password (you may need to set up an account if you have never done this before)
c. Click “Renew” at the top of your Account page
d. Deadline for this option: November 30, 2022 - Renew by mailing a check to the North Royalton office
a. Please make check out to “Farm Bureau” and put your Member ID in the memo line.
b. Mail to 8460 Ridge Rd, North Royalton, OH 44133
c. Deadline for this option: Must be postmarked by November 30, 2022 - Renew by calling our office and paying with credit card
least preferred due to limited staff availability
a. Please call 440-877-0706 to renew over the phone and have your
Membership ID available.
b. Deadline for this option: November 18, 2022