Test your Thanksgiving and turkey knowledge …
What do you know about Thanksgiving?
1. What President proclaimed a “national” Thanksgiving Day, held each November?
2. What year did the pilgrims sail on the Mayflower to the colonies?
3. What was the name of the Native American that helped the original pilgrims survive?
4. What food was brought to the original “harvest feast” by the Native Americans?
5. What food was brought to the original “harvest feast” by the pilgrims?
To see if you are correct, refer to our feature article from November 20, 2016 – click on this link https://summitcountyfarmbureau.org/2016/11/20/whats-on-your-thanksgiving-dinner-table/
What do you know about the turkey?
1. Who wanted the turkey to be the national bird instead of the bald eagle?
2. Can a domestic turkey fly? Can a wild turkey fly?
3. How many pounds of turkey will the average American eat each year?
4. What is the average life span of a domestic turkey?
5. Why is turkey the traditional Thanksgiving fare?
To see if you are correct, refer to our feature article from November 1, 2019 – click on this link https://summitcountyfarmbureau.org/2019/11/01/turkey-trivia%ef%bb%bf/
Wishing you and your family a delicious Thanksgiving
from Summit County Farm Bureau!