We just can’t believe that another year is rapidly coming to an end for Summit County Farm Bureau. The SCFB’s work year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th. The end of our fiscal and program year means it’s time for the Board of Trustees to develop a plan of work for the 2023 – 2024 program year. However, before we can move forward, we take a look back at the past year and gather ideas for us to continue to serve our members. Please join us as we look over some of the 2022 – 2023 highlights . . .
Sponsored Family and Community Events
SCFB members enjoyed a multi-county Family Fun Day at the Cleveland Zoo.
SCFB encouraged members to participate in the annual BWC Safety Meeting.
SCFB hosted the 13th Annual Farmers’ Share Breakfast.
SCFB sponsored a Farm Dog & a Farm Cat of the Year contests for members.
SCFB will be hosting their Annual Meeting on September 28th at Houston Hall in Norton, Ohio.
Developed Educational Opportunities
SCFB hosted three educational seminars; Backyard Poultry, Blueberries In The Backyard, Freezing Fruits and Vegetables.
SCFB awarded a “new” renewable/four year scholarship.
SCFB members collaborated with the Vet Tech/Animal Science program of the Copley, Norton, Wadsworth, Barberton compact to provide students the resources to learn about their livestock course work in a practical manner.
The museum videotaped vignettes were enjoyed by visitors to the SCFB Antique Museum during the Summit County Fair.
SCFB supported a seed matching game within the SCFB Antique Museum during the Summit County Fair, participants selected from a variety of prizes.
Organizational announcements and agricultural information were regularly posted on the SCFB website, SCFB Facebook page and through email blasts.
SCFB funded the attendance of YAP members to the Winter Leadership Conference.
SCFB funded the attendance of a member to the Ag In The Classroom Conference.
SCFB members attended a multi-county seminar addressing the new appraisal calculations, “The Scoop on Soil Values”.
SCFB Board of Trustees were introduced to the Select Partners Program by OFBF’s Nationwide Services Field Director.
Initiated Internal Improvements
The updated Business Member Directory was mailed out to all members and added to the SCFB website.
The update Buy Local/Farm Markets Directory was mailed out to all members and added to the SCFB website.
Members received two paper newsletters, winter and summer, chock full of the organization’s activities and information.
SCFB supported a Member to Member Discount Program at participating businesses.
SCFB ran a membership campaign.
The SCFB Board of Trustees initiated the annual financial review and compilation by an independent CPA for the SCFB.
The SCFB Investment Committee reviewed all investments to be sure they were performing well and made recommendations to the SCFB Board of Trustees.
Gave Back to Our Local Community
Donations were made to: Haven of Rest, Salvation Army, The Akron Canton Food Bank and the Norton Kiwanis Builders Club.
SCFB sponsored an ad in the Summit County Fair program/map.
SCFB participated in a multi-county fundraiser supporting Cultivating a Cure.
SCFB participated in a multi-county fundraiser supporting the Women In Ag Conference.
Served as Advocates for Our Members
The SCFB President, Vice-President and Young Farmer attended Ag Day at the Capitol to meet with local legislatures.
The SCFB President and delegates attended the Ohio Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Columbus.
The SCFB Public Policy committee collected and reviewed policy suggestions from the SCFB members
The SCFB President traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with local representatives.
SCFB members continue to work with agricultural stakeholders in Summit County to help draft comprehensive Agriculture Ordinances.
SCFB members worked with the Summit County Engineer and Summit County Council to develop a fair and equitable taxation of agricultural parcels for the Summit County Surface Water Management District.
Supported the Summit County Fair and the SCFB Antique Museum
SCFB sponsored an ad on the back cover of the Summit County Fair program/map.
SCFB funded a professional cleaning of the museum and contents before the Summit County Fair.
SCFB funded an exterior repair and painting of the museum before the Summit County Fair.
SCFB members volunteered to supervise the museum during the Summit County Fair.
SCFB supported the 4-H program with the donation of meat cooking temperature guide cutout “give away gifts”.
SCFB funded an overhaul and creation of a Farm Bureau Informational corner and Farm Bureau raffle gift basket in the museum during the Summit County Fair.