The Summit County Farm Bureau is hosting its 14th Annual Farmers’ Share Breakfast
on March 9, 2024 at Copley High School (3807 Ridgewood Road in Copley). Breakfast
will be served from 8 AM to 11 AM, or until the food runs out, and will include pancakes
with real maple syrup, scrambled eggs, sausage links, and milk, water or coffee for just
a $1.00 donation.
All monetary proceeds will benefit the Akron Canton Food Bank. A canned food drive
benefits the local Salvation Army. Receive one ticket for each canned food to enter the
Smith’s Dairy Ice Cream voucher raffle.
Local legislators have been invited to participate, giving diners the opportunity to meet
and talk with them 8:30 AM to 10 AM.
John Weaver from Greenfield Farms will be presenting an educational seminar on “how
to maximize your soil to gain a better understanding of soil and increase the quality and
health of your crop” at 9:30 AM in a classroom adjacent to the cafeteria.
Display tables and representatives will be present from local 4-H groups, the Summit
County Fiscal Office, the Master Gardeners, the Summit County BeeKeepers, Ohio
Benefits Group, Nationwide Insurance and more.
Year after year, we are asked why this event is called “the Farmers’ Share breakfast”
and only charge $1.00. Well, believe it or not, $1.00 is just about the amount the farmer
receives for that meal. Shocking, isn’t it! A good rule of thumb would be to figure the
farmer receives about 14 cents out of each dollar spent.
Love this event. I have a lot of respect for our farmers. We try to attend every year and I invite my children and friends. I grew up in Norton and my first job at 14 was working on a farm and learning how to drive a tractor and plow fields. Sadly, that farm is long gone and Metro Parks now owns that property. A few years ago, I brought my youngest daughter. She go interested in bee keeping and now has two hives and plans on expanding with my oldest son on his hobby farm in Burbank.