Welcome to the weather rollercoaster of spring in Ohio, and it’s a day early this year!
Usually spring arrives on March 20th or 21st , but because it is leap year and February got
an extra day, the season moves up a little on the calendar to March 19th . It’s just a
little over a week after daylight savings time, we’ll survive.
Spring is a time of rebirth and growth but brings with it the ups and downs of weather.
We have already been experiencing the weather rollercoaster, wasn’t it just a couple
weeks ago when we started the day at 70 degrees and it dropped over 30 degrees by
These ups and downs in the spring weather have grown more and more common in the
recent years, making the job of the local farmers more difficult. Good weather or bad
weather, spring weather can make or break the farmers’ livelihood for the year.
While the drastic swings in spring weather affects all of us, it impacts local farmers the
most, sometimes causing irreversible crop loss and financial burden. A long stretch of
warm weather signals flowering which may mean trouble for the fruit trees. Cold
temperatures can ruin a season’s crop but so can a flooding rainfall. And last year we
experienced what a drought in June means to the local hay crop.
The Farmers’ Almanac long range spring weather forecast calls for many days of cold
temperatures, with some possible late snow through much of April over the Great Lakes
region … uuuhhhggg!
Unfortunately, we can’t control the weather, all we can do is prepare … prepare for the
worst and hope for the best.
Wishing you sunshine, wonderful weather, super soil conditions and a spectacular