The SCFB will be awarding two memorial scholarships this year.
A number of years ago, the SCFB Board of Trustees established a memorial
scholarship in honor of Bob Eckart. He was a farmer who supported the agricultural
community by serving as Secretary of the Summit County Farm Bureau Board of
Trustees. In that role, which spanned “too many years to count,” he became known for
the meticulously detailed handwritten minutes he would record during each meeting. In
addition to his role as a farmer and an active member of the SCFB, Bob also drove a
school bus for the Copley Public Schools for many years. His involvement with his
charges went beyond safely delivering them to their intended destination each school
day. He also hired many of these students to work on his farm after school hours and
during summer vacations. There, he was a patient educator intent on teaching those
who wanted to learn what he knew about farming, working the land, and animal
husbandry. This scholarship awards $1,000.00 per academic year, with the option to
renew for up to four years (provided minimum academic standards are maintained).
Last year, the SCFB Board of Trustees made the decision to award a Dean Hartong
Memorial Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Dean Hartong, Summit County
Farm Bureau’s FIRST Distinguished Service Award Recipient, was always willing to
share his knowledge; one on one, or in a formal setting at the many Farm Council
meetings, as well as at the SCFB Antiques Museum at the fairgrounds. A farmer for
over 70 years, Dean (along with his son) operated the last dairy farm in Summit County.
He served in every capacity on the SCFB Board of Trustees for 50 years. For that
reason, SCFB Board of Trustees decided to honor his contribution to agriculture with a
memorial scholarship, after his passing in January 2023. This scholarship is a “one
time payment” of $1,000.00 and is to be used for educational or related expenses.
The SCFB Board of Trustees Scholarship Committee is busy reviewing scholarship
applications and will be announcing our selection of scholarship recipients in the next
few weeks.