Greetings Summit County Farm Bureau!
My Name is Matt Hartong, Your newly elected president. I could not be more excited to serve you and Summit County Farm Bureau. My family owns and operates the last dairy farm in Summit County. We milk 120 cows and farm 500 acres in the city of Green, New Franklin and Jackson Township.
My Grandfather, Dean Hartong, served on the SCFB board both as a trustee and president for many years. It has been an honor to follow in his footsteps and I hope to be as successful and influential as he was.
With 2024 in the rearview mirror and a new season of planting ahead of us, I ask you to take time to reflect on your role in agriculture. It’s easy to focus on failure. Off the top of my head I can tell you 10 things I could be doing better on my farm. Instead of looking at what you could do better, I want you to take a minute or two and focus on the things you do well. Take time to reflect on your successes and be proud to be a Summit County farmer and share them with someone you know. Send a picture to your friends or family. Post something on social media. Tell people who don’t know what it’s like to be a farmer in 2025 and why you do it. Advocate for yourself and your neighbor farmers. Help educate the misinformed.
The Ohio Farm Bureau Annual Meeting happened December 12th and 13th. Mike Boyert had decided to end his time as our regional trustee. The Northeast region of Ohio elected Hanna DiVencenzo. She will be a great addition to the state board. She has served as a trustee of Lorain County Farm Bureau, served as co-chair of the Ohio Farm Bureau State Young Ag Professionals Committee, and also served on the State Policy Development Committee.
SCFB needs to replace the deteriorating benches that line the front porch at our Antiques Museum at the Summit County fairgrounds. These benches are enjoyed extensively each year during the fair. We will need 15 to 20 benches and would like to give you, our members, the opportunity to memorialize your farm, family or loved one! All orders, with payment, MUST be received by February 15, 2025.
I hope everyone has a smooth start to the year. I look forward to meeting more members of SCFB, please do not be shy about introducing yourselves at any functions you might see me. Stay safe, warm, and pray for good weather heading into spring.
Thank you for your support!
Matt Hartong, President
Summit County Farm Bureau