*Whenever you return a borrowed pie pan, make sure it’s got a warm pie in it.
*Invite lots of folks to supper. You can always add water to the soup.
*There’s no such thing as a woman’s work on a farm. There’s just work.
*Make home a happy place for the children. Everybody returns to their happy place.
*Always keep a small light on in the kitchen window at night.
*If your man gets his truck stuck in the field, don’t go in after him. Throw him a rope and
pull him out with the tractor.
*It’s a whole lot easier to get breakfast from a chicken than a pig.
*It’s easy to clean an empty house, but hard to live in one.
*All children spill milk. Learn to smile and wipe it up.
*Homemade’s always better’n store bought.
*A tongue’s like a knife. The sharper it is the deeper it cuts.
*A good neighbor always knows when to visit and when to leave.
*A city dog wants to run out the door, but a country dog stays on the porch ’cause he’s
not fenced-in.
*Always light birthday candles from the middle outward.
*Nothin’ gets the frustrations out better’n splittn’ wood.
*The longer dress hem, the more trusting the husband.
*Enjoy doing your children’s laundry. Someday they’ll be gone.
*You’ll never catch a runnin’ chicken but if you throw seed around the back door you’ll
have a skillet full by supper.
*Check your shoelaces before runnin’ to help somebody.
*Visit old people who can’t get out. Someday you’ll be one.
*The softer you talk, the closer folks’ll listen.
*The colder the outhouse, the warmer the bed.
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