November often brings many changes; changes in season, changes in weather,changes in the time on the clock and changes in chores required around the farm. Theone thing that doesn’t change in November is the arrival of Thanksgiving.Thanksgiving is our … [Read more...]
Land Use Plan “Policies”
The Summit County Farm Bureau Board of Trustees have noticed an uptick in membersreaching out to the SCFB for support when dealing with their local municipalities and/ortownship officials in their agricultural endeavors, particularly with small … [Read more...]
Dairy Farming
During the October Summit County Farm Bureau board meeting, board of trusteemember, Rodger Ramsthaler shared an article that he had copied from the AkronBeacon Journal titled America’s dairy farms disappear. It reported a plethora ofinformation and … [Read more...]
Memorial bench opportunity
The Summit County Farm Bureau needs to replace the deteriorating benches that line the front porch at our Antiques Museum at the Summit County fairgrounds. These benches are enjoyed extensively each year during the fair. We will need 15 … [Read more...]
Congratulate Dr. Ben Pearson, the 2024 Summit County Farm Bureau’s Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Many years ago, in 1990, the Summit County Farm Bureau Board ofTrustees established The Summit County Farm Bureau DistinguishedService Award as a means to recognize members for their outstandingservice. Specifically, it is the highest honor that can … [Read more...]